Trezor® Hardware® Wallet | (Official)

Take control of your crypto journey with Trezor hardware wallet. Trust in the most trusted name in crypto security.

The recovery seed feature in Trezor hardware wallets serves as a backup of your wallet's private keys and allows you to restore access to your cryptocurrency funds in case your device is lost, stolen, damaged, or reset. Here's how the recovery seed feature works:

  1. Seed Generation: During the initial setup of your Trezor hardware wallet, the device generates a recovery seed phrase consisting of a series of randomly generated words. This seed phrase serves as a master key that can be used to derive all the private keys associated with your wallet.

  2. Writing Down the Seed: After the recovery seed phrase is generated, the Trezor device displays it on its screen, one word at a time. You need to write down each word of the seed phrase in the correct order on the provided recovery card or another secure location. It's crucial to write down the seed phrase accurately and legibly, as any errors may result in the loss of access to your funds.

  3. Storing Securely: Once you have written down the recovery seed phrase, store it securely offline in a safe and accessible location. Consider using a fireproof and waterproof container or a secure location such as a safety deposit box. It's essential to keep the recovery seed phrase confidential and never share it with anyone.

  4. Recovery Process: In the event that your Trezor hardware wallet is lost, stolen, damaged, or reset, you can use the recovery seed phrase to restore access to your cryptocurrency funds on a new or replacement device. To initiate the recovery process, you'll need to use the recovery seed phrase and follow the instructions provided by the Trezor device or Trezor Suite software.

  5. Entering Seed on New Device: When setting up a new Trezor device or restoring a device to factory settings, you'll be prompted to enter the recovery seed phrase. Carefully enter each word of the seed phrase in the correct order using the device's physical keypad or the Trezor Suite software interface.

  6. Verification and Confirmation: After entering the recovery seed phrase, the device or software will verify the correctness of the seed and prompt you to confirm. Once confirmed, the device will derive the private keys associated with your wallet from the recovery seed phrase, restoring access to your cryptocurrency funds.

By using the recovery seed feature, Trezor hardware wallets provide a secure and reliable method for backing up and restoring access to cryptocurrency funds, giving users peace of mind knowing that their funds can be recovered even in the event of device loss or failure.

Last updated